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Sebastopol Goose Hatching Egg


 Sold Out 

 ~ UPDATED: March 17, 2025 ~ 

Orders #1733 - 1750 have shipped.  

We are SOLD OUT of Sebastopol Goose Hatching eggs for the 2025 Season and will not be shipping anymore eggs this year.  Thank you to everyone who placed your orders. We will be incubating any remaining eggs laid and will have goslings available in late April - May 2025.

We ship on a first come first serve basis in the order that each order was received.   We do not take pre-orders for eggs and only open ordering once our geese begin to lay, which will be next February 2026.  Please follow us on Facebook as we will post updates on availability.  Moonlight Valley Farm LLC Facebook Page

Please note: we no longer keep waiting lists for eggs or goslings and they are sold on a first come first serve basis on the website.  If you need to inquire or have any questions, please send us an email info@moonlightvalleyfarm.com as we don't always get time to return all phone calls asking about availability.

Please note: we ship Mon-Wed so eggs are not sitting on a USPS truck over the weekend.  We will occasionally ship on a Thursday if the shipping zone is within a 1 day delivery area to our state.

Please read everything below BEFORE ordering your eggs.
By placing an order, you agree to the following:

  • If you order eggs, you will receive an email when your eggs ship, so please watch your inbox. 2025 Hatching eggs are $20 each plus USPS Priority Mail shipping which is calculate based on your zipcode.  Effective January 2025, the USPS is implementing a $15 surcharge for shipping for each box of perishable/fragile items.  This includes hatching eggs, so we've had to increase our pricing to cover this extra expense.  The max egg amount for each order is 6 eggs.  If you want more than 6 eggs, I will ship them in 2 separate boxes due to the weight and increased chance of eggs being damaged if they are shipped all in one box. However you will have to place 2 orders for your eggs and they may ship at different times depending on how many eggs our geese lay each day.

  • We do not take reservations or waiting lists for hatching eggs due to the demand and time sensitive nature of hatching eggs.

  • If you need to contact us, please use the contact form (via email), as we are unable to return the vast amount of phone calls that we receive for folks wanting to know when eggs will be available.

  • Payment is due at the time of ordering. Eggs will be shipped in the order that each order was received. Each year we sell out of Sebastopol hatching eggs, and if our geese have stopped laying and you have placed an order, you will be notified and given a full refund.

  • We cannot guarantee which colors you will receive since all of our geese are free ranged together in a large pasture and allowed to naturally breed on our farm pond. Our flock of 22 Sebastopols consists of: curly breasted white, lavender/grey splash, solid buff, buff saddleback, solid grey & grey saddleback (new for 2019 & 2021).

  • Sorry, but we DO NOT ship hatching eggs outside of the US. We ship only to the Continental US and do not ship to CA, AK, Puerto Rico or HI.

  • Hatching eggs will be shipped via USPS Priority mail on Mon, Tues or Wed to ensure that they are not sitting at a post office over the weekend. The eggs will be individually wrapped and the box packed with newspaper and the package will be clearly marked "Fragile".   Please Note: WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY USPS DELAYS or handling of the eggs once they ship. By purchasing eggs from us, you agree to these terms and understand that there are risks in shipped eggs and post office handling and delivery delays.  If you are not ok with taking risks, then please purchase your eggs locally and do not purchase shipped eggs. 

  • Hatching eggs must be paid for at the time of ordering and checkout. We do not accept checks or money orders for hatching eggs due to the short laying season for Sebastopol geese. You do not need a Paypal account to order from our website and pay with a credit or debit card. We utilize the Paypal processing platform due to the enhanced security of Paypal and we do not store your credit card or debit card information on our website.  We also have implemented Square payment processing for secure credit card transactions if you choose not to checkout with Paypal.

  • Hatching eggs and daylily orders must be placed separately due to shipping separately. If you have any questions, please contact me prior to placing your order.

  • If your eggs are damaged during shipping, please take a photo of the damaged eggs in the original box and email us at: info@moonlightvalleyfarm.com immediately. You will need to file a claim with USPS if your eggs are damaged. We will insure the eggs up to the purchase amount. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO HALT SHIPPING OF EGGS AND REFUND YOUR ORDERS IF WE EXPERIENCE HIGHER THAN NORMAL DELAYS AND PROBLEMS WITH USPS PRIORITY MAIL SHIPPING. WE WILL NOTIFY YOU SHOULD THIS OCCUR.

  • We will include hatching instructions with your order, but please remember that we will not be responsible for your individual hatching success as there are too many factors that can affect hatch rates. Please allow the eggs to rest for 24 hours before incubating. WE DO NOT guarantee that all of your eggs will hatch as there are too many variables in incubation.

  • Please Note: Sebastopol Geese are more difficult to incubate and hatch than most other water fowl. Shipping can be hard on the embryo and may affect the hatch rate. Sebastopol geese are known to have lower fertility than other geese.  Being able to breed on a pond (our geese have 2 large farm ponds) can help increase fertility rates, however NO SELLER can ever guarantee 100% fertility as we are dealing with mother nature.  Please understand this before purchasing any eggs, whether from us or other online sources. By placing an order with us for hatching eggs, you agree to have read and agree to the above disclaimers.

Thank you & Happy Hatching!!!

Moonlight Valley Farm, LLC





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